If what you want is to get hundreds of roses just by having a few at home, with this trick you will achieve it. Roses are one of the most beautiful flowers around, so they can adorn any area of the home, regardless of the color of the rose.

They are considered very difficult to plant, but with the use of the stem of a rose many roses can be obtained, making their reproduction endless. This is a very easy job to do and can be done by anyone with or without gardening experience.
Next, we will teach you how to have a beautiful rose bush in your garden by following these steps:
First step
The first thing is to find the ideal place where we will have our rosebush, dig a trench about 15 cm deep and fill it with sand. To choose the right place, we will give you these tips:
Roses should not be placed too close.
Also do not put near the wall or under a tree.
Roses need space, sun and air, and preferably, the morning sun is the one that benefits them the most so that they grow lush.
Second step
If you do not have roses, the ideal is to get some rose stems or cuttings, which we will use to propagate them and make our garden. The important thing is that the stems are approximately 20 to 25 cm long.
Third step
This is a very simple step, it is about cleaning the stems, removing leaves and impurities for regeneration.
Fourth step
The next step is to stick the cuttings or stems of roses in the sand, leaving a distance between them, we must press the sand well so that they are well fixed to the ground.
Fifth step
When the stems have been fixed, we will have to cover them with fertilized soil and press it well with our feet so that it remains compact.
Another alternative is that the stems are first stuck into a potato, then planted with the potato and covered with soil, some gardeners recommend it for better growth.