How to recover your dry plant so that it grows again

If you suspect your plant is dead but aren’t sure, the quickest way to tell if it’s dead is to check the stems. The stems of the plant should be flexible and firm with a green appearance on the inside if they are still alive.

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If the stem is soft or fragile, check if the roots are in the same condition. The roots should also be flexible, but firm. If both stems and roots are brittle or soft, the plant is dead and will have no choice but to start over.

The plant is really worth saving

The next step is to decide if you really want to put in the effort to save the plant. Keep in mind that despite all your efforts, there is no guarantee that the plant will survive. Also, the plant will look completely pathetic for weeks, months, or even years.

If it’s a plant that has sentimental value or is hard to find, then it’s worth saving.

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What to do when only the roots are alive

If the roots are still good, but the stems are dead, there is no choice but to wait for the plant to grow back from the roots. Cut stems a third at a time. You have to explore, and as you get closer to the roots, parts of the stem may be alive. If you find a live stem, try to keep it on the plant as much as possible. If you can’t find a live stem, prune it back to 5cm above the ground.

Place the plant in a location that receives half the amount of sun normally recommended for that plant. Water only when the soil is dry to the touch. If the plant can do this you will see new stems sprout around the remaining stem in 1-2 months. If it doesn’t, check the roots again to see if the plant has died.


What to do when the stems are still alive

Trim away any dead tissue you can find on the plant. Place the plant in a location that receives half the amount of sun normally recommended for that plant.

Water only when the soil is dry to the touch, but do not allow the soil to dry out completely. In 3 – 4 weeks you will start to see new stems or leaves sprouting where the old leaves were. As the leaves and stem develop cut off any part of the stems that is not producing leaves or stems.

If you don’t see new leaves or stems after a few weeks, check the stems of the plant again and prune off dead wood when the stem dies.

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