How to make Lilies bloom – Step by step

Ideally, always choose suitable varieties whose flowers are large with small bulbs ( circumference 10-15 cm ).

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As soon as possible you should remove the lilies, selecting those that have not bloomed. Plant the bulbs in pots, boxes or simply put them in plastic bags with red peat moss or sphagnum moss and store at a low temperature of –5° for 4 weeks, and on average 5 – 6 weeks. No lighting or watering required at this time. You can store in the refrigerator.

1- Preparation

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Fill the prepared container with a growing medium of equal parts compost (peat moss) and garden soil. The soil must be permeable, and at the same time, it must absorb moisture.

In a pot with a diameter of 12–15, plant a large onion (a circumference of 1–12 cm) or 3–4 smaller bulbs. The thickness of the substrate over the tops of the bulbs 7–8. After watering, place the pots with the bulbs on a bright window (although you can keep the pots in a dark room, the main thing is not to get too hot).

2- Flowering

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Approximately in weeks 2–3, when the shoots begin to appear, it is very important to water the plants correctly (a pinch of lime can be added to the water) and to provide good lighting (it is advisable to equip the plants with lamps).

Under these conditions, stems will not spread (especially in early winter) and buds will not drop.

Keep in mind that the earlier the energy process begins, the longer it will take before it flowers. Here are the approximate planting and flowering plant ratios for lilies planted after chill :

November 25 – flowering in 80 days (approximately February 15)
December 17 – flowering after 78 days (March 8)
January 1 – flowering after 76 days (March 16)
January 15 – flowering after 71 days (March 28)
February 1 – flowering in 70 days (April 12)
February 15 – flowering in 68 days (April 24)
February 25 – flowering after 66 days (May 3)
March 15 – flowering in 65 days (May 20)
April 15 – flowering in 65 days (June 5)

3- Lighting

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It is important that you know that good lighting (16 hours a day) can reduce the duration of distillation by 3 weeks. Varieties from the group of Asian hybrids by flowering for only 3 hours at night flowered (sowed in mid-November): variety Nochka after 75 days, Yellow Bird after 73 days, Volkhova after 70 days and Rotalia after 80 days.

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