Benefits of having a mother-in-law’s tongue at home and the care it needs

If you are looking for a plant to decorate the interior of your home and fill your rooms with absolute harmony, we recommend the well-known Sansevieria or Mother-in-law’s tongue.

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This plant is beautiful and striking, its pointed green leaves with yellow edges will attract the attention of anyone who comes to visit us.

Even in addition to being ideal for decorating our home, it is a plant that is beneficial for our health. Find out what its benefits are and the care it will need so that we can keep it impeccable.

Benefits of having a mother-in-law tongue at home

Having a mother-in-law tongue or Sansevieria is one of the best decisions we can make. In addition to beautifying the interiors of our home, they are very beneficial plants for our health.

These have a great capacity to absorb toxins and release fresh air, thus purifying all the rooms in our home. That is why it is recommended to have it inside, to benefit to the maximum from its wonderful power.

It is also very easy to care for, it does not require great efforts to maintain it, it will always look beautiful. Despite this, it is necessary to know her basic needs so that we do not trust ourselves and then suffer the consequences.

Mother-in-law tongue care

Mother-in-law’s Tongue or Sansevieria needs certain essential care to grow and develop. Taking into account these cares, the plant will grow beautiful:


This is a very hardy plant, which tolerates both sun and shade exposure very well. However, we advise you to place it in a semi-shaded place, since excessive heat over time can damage its leaves.

If we have it in a pot inside our home, it is best to place it near a window so that it receives lighting all the time. Our home will be greatly benefited, thanks to its purifying powers.


The Sansevieria is characterized by enduring long periods of drought, it can easily tolerate 6 weeks without a single drop of water.

Despite this, we recommend that you water it every 7 to 10 days so that it grows correctly. Let’s remember that it is a living being, which needs to hydrate.

The amount of water will depend on the size of the plant, if the plant is still small, just add a cup of water.

However, when watering it, we always recommend checking the plant’s substrate. Many times due to weather conditions, it will need more or less water, so we must be aware of this.


One of the most important care that this plant will need will be fertilizing it. Different kinds of fertilizers are usually sold in the nursery, however we advise you to use natural fertilizers that are very effective.

For example, eggshell is widely used to water plants. To do this, we will wash and let the egg shells dry very well, and then crush them. We will mix this powder with water and water the plant as usual.

The results will be noticeable, your plant will be strengthened and vigorous again.

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