6 Secrets to Make Your Roses Bloom

Whether you’re growing rose bushes, climbers, ground covers or miniature plants, we want your roses to produce more blooms!

We’ll show you the steps to get more blooms from all your favorite roses, from wild roses to the award-winning aromatic hybrid tea rose.

Secret 1: Choose The Right Roses

Know your zone and choose more hardy roses so they can thrive in even the harshest weather.

Growth Size and Habits

Roses come in all shapes and sizes. Climbing rose varieties can be over 20 feet tall, while miniature roses may be as small as 6 inches!

For lush blooms, choose roses that fill the space you have without being overcrowded.

flower shape

Rose petals are available, from flat or cupped to layered rosettes and pompoms.

While a well-loved long-stemmed rose can win Best of Show, a large 2-inch rose cluster can provide the bloom vibrancy you want.

There are thousands of varieties of roses with widely varying flowering times.

Consider flowering times to ensure you’re there for the Rose Parade.

There are many ways to re-bloom hybrid roses, producing flower after flower from spring to fall.

The roses of the Big Flower Show—one hit—bloom in the spring of the following year.

Appreciated for its hardiness and fragrance, be careful when pruning old woody bloomers so as not to remove next year’s lush blooms.

Resistance to pests and diseases

Troubled by aphids or powdery mildew? Choose rose varieties that are resistant to pests and diseases to increase your roses’ ability to bloom.

Tip Two: Planting Roses Properly


Roses need sunlight to bloom. bottom line. Plant roses in full sun, with more than 6 hours of daylight, for flowering and fruiting.
Let the sunshine in! Roses that have plenty of room and access to daylight for flower formation will bloom better than crowded, sheltered roses.

Ground and change

Loamy, deep, nutrient-rich soil that drains well while retaining moisture will allow your good wishes to flourish.

Secret 3: Water Schedule for Roses

Water newly planted roses every other day until they are established.

Ingrown roses should be watered weekly, depending on the weather.

Allow your roses to dry out slightly to allow the bushes to signal more buds.

Water the lush blooms as the rosebuds burst into new bloom.

Secret 4: Feeding Roses

Give your roses extra nourishment to bloom in early spring, early and late June.

Stop fertilizing in late summer to signal your rose bushes to get ready for winter.

Growing site-appropriate happy roses in nutrient-rich organic soil may not require additional fertilizer.

NPK and roses

N – Nitrogen promotes lush green plant growth and keeps your roses vibrant.

P – Phosphorus supports healthy root growth and bud and flower formation, and is especially important for maximizing flowering vigor in roses.

K – Potassium strengthens plant tissue and helps your rose plants produce plenty of beautiful blooms.

NPK is an essential macronutrient for all plant growth. Roses enjoy a healthy dose, usually available in good quality soil. Roses also benefit from many micronutrients, including calcium and magnesium.
Covering is a great way to provide extra nutrition while staying hydrated.

Foliar spray

Commercial organic foliar sprays or homemade compost teas can stimulate healthy growth on rose bushes.


Alfalfa meal or alfalfa pellets help activate the living soil, allowing plants to absorb more nitrogen and other nutrients.

Epsom salts

Epsom salts contain magnesium, an important micronutrient for roses to bloom.

Many rose gardeners mix Epsom salts in the top layer around planting holes or rose bushes.


Eggshell meal is a natural, slow-release fertilizer consisting of minerals and nutrients, including rose-loving calcium.

Secret 5: Pruning Roses

Timing coordination

Roses that bloom on old wood: Roses such as creeper or heirloom only bloom on old wood. These roses bloom for a long time, usually in mid-spring. Prune these types of roses shortly after flowering. This keeps the rosebushes tidy and gives the plants time to thrive for next year’s flower show.

Blooming roses on new wood: Prune first in late winter to early spring to maximize rose rebloom. Next, plant dead-headed reopening roses exclusively to encourage continued flowering.


To avoid spreading disease among roses, start by keeping all pruning equipment clean at all times.

Second, when pruning diseased branches, sanitize pruning equipment with rubbing alcohol or similar between pruning.

Finally, avoid composting diseased rose cuttings, as they may contain soil-borne rose diseases.

To allow your rose bushes to open up to the sunlight that forms the blooms, place your cuttings less than an inch above the outward-facing bud eyes.

Whether pruning or pruning, always place the clippings on leaves that have 5 or more leaflets. This promotes the growth of strong, mature rose shoots. Weak or young shoots have leaves with only 3 leaflets and subsequent growth will not bloom.

Secret 6: Prevent Pests and Disease

Nothing can blight a rosebud’s splendor like a pest or rose disease.

Choose pest and disease resistant varieties, especially if you know your area is prone to certain rose problems.

Mulch provides nutrients, retains moisture, and most importantly, minimizes water spray on the leaves. This will help prevent rose diseases.
Companion plants for roses not only look spectacular, but can help lock nutrients in the soil, promoting healthy, happy rose growth.
Additionally, companion plants can deter problem pests or attract beneficial insects, keeping problem pests like aphids at bay.

Plants that grow well with roses include: lavender, alyssum, foxglove, shasta daisy, calendula, and more.

Maximize the flowering ability of roses

Keep your roses happy with these six tips to get more blooms and more blooms.