No city is spared the excess noise of vehicles, construction sites or pedestrians; besides being annoying, it is not healthy at all.

Various studies have focused on the influence of plants on sound and have shown that “green” is extremely effective in reducing noise pollution, since it can absorb up to 50% of unwanted environmental noise.
Indoor plants for any part of the home
- Fern ( Nephrolepis exaltata )
In addition to looking good in any corner, thanks to their wide and long leaves, ferns are very effective in reducing noise. You just have to put them in a place where they receive enough light and water them frequently.
- Peace lily ( Spathiphyllum )
This beautiful plant, as its name implies, will help you add some peace to your home thanks to its soundproofing quality. For its development, it needs a lot of water, especially in summer, and it is perfect for temperate climates with temperatures between 21 ° C and 24 ° C without being directly exposed to sunlight.
- Baby Tears ( Helxine Soleirolii )
Its efficiency to absorb noise is greater when they are hung or in high places. They don’t need a lot of light to grow healthy and strong, just keep their soil constantly moist and well-drained. In cold places, it dies during the winter, but as temperatures begin to rise, it grows back quickly.
- Norfolk Island Pine ( Araucaria heterophylla )
Although this tree can reach heights of up to 80 meters, it is often used as an indoor plant, since its growth is very slow. The very particular shape of its leaves, like small intertwined “needles”, makes it possible for them to trap the sound inside them and not let it come out again.
- Guiana Chestnut ( Pachira aquatica )
This species, considered native to Mexico, has a thick and robust stem that helps push the sound towards the leaves and these in turn trap it inside. At its young age, it can be kept indoors, but as it grows, it would be advisable to move it outside.
- Water stick ( Dracaena fragrans )
Being dense both in its lower part and in the upper part, this plant is a great filter of noise, and also of toxic particles present in the air. It can reach 6 m in height when it is cultivated directly in the ground, but in pot its growth is more limited.
Outdoor plants perfect for balconies and terraces
- Camellia ( Camellia )
This shrub with beautiful flowers, which can be pink, white or red, is originally from Asia. We can grow it on the balcony or in the garden, as part of our barrier to reduce noise from outside. An added benefit is that it can grow very quickly, especially if its soil is suitable (acidic) and receives a lot of water.
- Holly ( Ilex aquifolium )
It is impossible to look at this plant without remembering the joy and peace of Christmas; Although they are seen more often on those dates, they are plants that are growing throughout the year. It can live up to 500 years, although the average is 100, and is up to 20 m tall. It is a very good option to include in our green noise barrier.
- Laurel ( Laurus nobilis )
To its fantastic culinary and medicinal properties, we can add those it offers as a barrier against unwanted sounds. Despite being outdoors, it can also survive in shady areas and even dry weather conditions. With it you have to be especially careful because it is sensitive to different types of pests.
- Creeping fig ( Ficus pumila )
This creeping plant of the mulberry family can climb the walls around it or spread out on the ground like a carpet, creating a thick plant mantle, which in combination with other larger plants will create an excellent noise filter. It grows quickly and does not require much care, and although the ideal is to grow it outdoors, with the right climatic conditions (not cold), it is also possible to have it indoors.
- Ivy ( Hedera )
Like the previous one, this vine can climb walls, fences or trees and reach great heights of up to 30 m, absorbing a large part of the sound waves that hit it. Its evergreen (which does not fall) and its constant growth tend to cause it to expand rapidly, so it must be controlled so that it does not spread excessively and invasively to the other plants around it.
Plants for both indoor and outdoor
- Rubber tree ( Ficus elastica )
Its wide and thick leaves are responsible for reducing noise, and it can be had both indoors and outdoors. They are generally very easy to care for, need bright indirect light and allow the soil to dry out between waterings. In hot climates they can be kept both indoors and outdoors, but in cold climates they will not survive outdoors.
- Hosta
To effectively stop unwanted noise with a plant barrier, it is necessary to combine different types of plants, of different heights and sizes. The Hosta are a great option to include in our barrier: these outdoor plants tolerate very well shaded and are very easy to multiply replanting their cuttings, so you can easily have several pots with them, or have land, the soil covered soon.
- Bamboo palm ( Dypsis lutescens )
Thanks to its large leaves, this plant can fill larger areas than the others and is very effective in reducing noise. It is very resistant, it can live in both direct sun and semi-shade (which is the most recommended) and withstand temperatures both hot and down to −2 ° C.